Specials - Fresh Produce

Photo of Grapes White

Grapes White

$5.00 per kg

Save $4.95
Photo of Tomatoes Cherry

Tomatoes Cherry 250g

$3.00 each

Save 95c
Photo of Grapes Red

Grapes Red

$5.00 per kg

Save $1.95
Photo of Nectarines


$3.50 per kg

Save $1.45
Photo of Rockmelons Whole

Rockmelons Whole

$3.95 each

Save $1.00
Photo of Tomatoes Truss Per Kg

Tomatoes Truss Per Kg

$4.95 per kg

Save $2.00
Photo of Tomatoes /Kg

Tomatoes /​Kg

$3.00 per kg

Save $1.95
Photo of Capsicum Green

Capsicum Green

$5.95 per kg

Save $1.00
Photo of Community Co Aussie Salad Mix

Community Co Aussie Salad Mix 110g

$2.40 each ($21.82 per kg)

Save 80c
Photo of Pears


$3.95 per kg

Save $3.00
Photo of Brocollini


$3.00 each

Save 95c
Photo of Eschallots Bunch

Eschallots Bunch

$2.00 each

Save 95c
Photo of Limes


$1.00 each

Save $1.00
Photo of Mitolo Chipping Potatoes

Mitolo Chipping Potatoes 1kg

$4.50 each

Save $3.45
Photo of Mitolo Low Carb Potatoes

Mitolo Low Carb Potatoes 1.5kg

$4.50 each

Save $3.45
Photo of Mitolo Mashing Potatoes

Mitolo Mashing Potatoes 1.5kg

$4.50 each

Save $3.45
Photo of Plums


$4.95 per kg

Save $3.00
Photo of Potatoes Cocktails

Potatoes Cocktails

$4.95 per kg

Save $2.00
Photo of Rhubarb


$4.95 each

Save $1.00
Photo of Sweetcorn Tray

Sweetcorn Tray

$4.00 each

Save $3.95
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